In conclusion I feel I started off very well and had a steady, well thought out film being prepared. It was in the dying minutes when it really counts that it all went a bit wrong.
I was always told that when making a student film, 'Never extend beyond your reach. Use two actors and two locations, anything more would not work.' I used five actors and five locations. As I was aware of the challenge I had set myself up for I think it made it a lot easier to appropriately prepare. You just can't prepare for things you don't see coming.
Overall I really can't fault my crew. I had a few sound people who all did their job, no more no less. My cameraman used his camera beautifully and captured some fantastic shots. My producer did above and beyond what she was asked and did it with a smile on her face throughout, which made my life asking her to do things so much easier.
When I am preparing for my next film I will definately use a lot of the techniques I have used on this production. I set up and planned a detailed, challenging and fun film to work on. I will have to pay a lot more attention to after the actual shoot next time.
I think I am guilty of believing the hard work had passed after the final scene was shot on the last day of shooting when really it was only starting.
This year has taught me a lot not only about the art of putting together a successful film but also about the kind of director and writer I want to be. Mostly I know now for sure I will do my utmost to keep the drama on the page.
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